Saturday, 22nd March 2008
Had our concert yesterday..
It was damn fun sia, from morning to night..
How I wish yesterday don't end so quickly..
Woke up damn early in the mornig to bathe so my hair won't be so messy..
Then discuss with some people about what to bring, what to wear, etc..
Had to bring a bag, 4 loaves of bread, and shirt/present..
Lijin reached school earlier than me..
Sa alot of people outside 4A, doing their hair..
Then received Weisi's msg, asking whethet i've reached already..
Then I saw her strolling in slowly...
She so bright lor, haha, yellow and black..
Finally, Mdm Fadillah arrived and opened the door for us..
Went to put my bag at the corner on the sofa..
Then Weisi and her friend, Selene, came to put together with me also..
Were told to change to our performing clothes and my row was the first to go get change..
Shirt was abit too big,wear until like wanna go and fight like that..
After changing, sat there and get prepared, waiting for uncle lim to come..
Many people went to do hair but I lazy go..
So went to seat at the sofa, packing my bag..
Saw quite alot of people changing shoe le, so I also change..
Then Uncle Lim arrived..
We were told to cut our strings..
Took out my cutter and cut mine first..
Then Weisi also wanna cut but no strength then say my cutter lousy..
So I helped her and her friends cut..
Then quite many people wanna cut, so I went around cutting for them..
Finally, we practiced the four songs and also tried walking in and out..
Then Weisi told me that her third string loose le and needed me to help her tie again..
Help her tie and tune before lunchtime..
When it reached 10.30, we were told to go and have our lunch..
So early right?!
Was not quite hungry sia, cause I ate a big sushi before that..
Went to my bag corner and took out my handphone..
Selene nad Weisi came and she told me she wanna go toilet, so I accompanied her..
Selene came to find us in the toilet..
By the time we reached the canteen, there was a very long queue..
Saw Lijin already took her food liao..
So we guai guai de went to queue up..
Told Ms Wan I want very little rice, both of them also copy me..
Sat at the front table and told Teresa and Yi Teng to move forward..
Didn't eat alot cause not quite used to eating rice so early in the morning..
They didn't provide water sia, then didn't bring coins, so went to drink the water cooler..
Then they went to toilet to wash hand..
Went back to 4A but the door was locked..
While waiting, had a small chat with Uncle Lim and he kept picking on Weisi..
So funny sia, hahaha..
Finally, the door opened and we went in to pack our bags...
Weisi sat down at the corner to change shoe and asked me to help her open her plaster..
As she will not be going to return back to school anymore, she brought all her stuffs..
So, I gave her her present and I guessed she was touched?!
Hmm, I'm not too sure..
I very fast de packed finished le..
Then we took our guitars to the atrium..
She said mine lighter so she took mine and I took hers..
Lined-up our guitars neatly at the atrium, unlike the band..
Then she gave me Strepsils eat...
So good sia!!
Realised that alot of people went missing, leaving me Weisi and Zhi An at the atrium..
Was told to go checked it out..
Found out that they were all gathering outside 4A..
So Weisi came up with a plan and we stand by ourselves at one corner..
Then she told me to start walking to pretend pretend that we did go and gather..
Cute ar she?!
The third row was told to bring the hard-cases guitars up to the bus whereas the guitar 1&2 bring their extras and soft-cases guitars..
Not fair siala, we always kena bullied one..
Took Weisi one, haha, more easier to give her mah..
Set off to the vch..
Sat with Beatric on the bus and listened to the song in my phone as it was very de boring..
Finally, we reached the Vch and found out that the Strings and Guitar 1&2 reached already..
The band reached at the same as we all..
Went to find the rest of the Guitar members after collecting our guitars..
Store our guitars neatly at the front and went to find Lijin...
Was informed by Ms Lam that the hall will only be opened to us at 1 o'clockand it was only 12.30 then..
The band came in to the shelter also and were told to squeeze in by Ms Lam as she said that her band members were all under the sun..
Nothing to do so I squated down like the rest..
Actually wanted to go find Weisi talked one but I was surrounded by guitars, so we gave each other sianx look..
Listen to the phone again and realise the it was 1 o'clock..
Went to collect the hard-case guitar and waited for its owner..
Then she took mine and we went up to the resting room..
Found a good spot and sat down..
But was told that we only booked the room at 4.30..
So we got out of the room and went to the hall..
Sat the the left side and we thought we could rest already but the hard-cases were told to put their cases outside the hall..
So Teresa, Weisi and Selene went out, leaving me and Yi Teng at our row...
Then it was the soft-cases turn..
I went out and then went it...
After that, was brief by Ms Lam about out schedule for the day..
Then Weisi asked me for my pick as she want to season her third string..
As the Strings were performing first, I played with my phone..
Then Weisi suddenly told me, 'Go already lar..'
Haha, I'm like sotong right?
So blur..
Went up played the five songs and came down..
It was the Band's turn and we listened abit..
Weisi kept asking me what time as she needed to eat her medicine at 4..
Think is flu medicine if I'm not wrong..
Then she told me she really really feel like sleeping..
Haha, me too!!
She turned around and saw Ms Wan sleeping, so I also turn around and saw Regina they all sleeping also..
So we decided to sleep and realise that the people beside us were also partially sleeping..
So I rested on her shoulder and she rested on my head..
Heard Ms Wan voice nad realised that we had to get ready for the finale..
Get up of our seats and left the guitars on our seats..
My row was again, called first and I went..
Was told to stand row by row, so sianx sia..
The floor so many saliva sia..
After that, got off the stage and went back to our seats..
Thought can rest liao but Ms Wan told us to go out an bring our cases to the make-up room..
Then we started moving to the corridor find our guitar bags..
Mine was so easy to identify and help Selene look for her case while she went to take her guitar..
We then headed for the make-up room to store our cases or bags..
Went back in to the hall to collect our guitars and headed to the resting rooms..
Were told to store our guitars at one corner so that the band and strings got space..
Then Weisi said she want to put hers beside mine so easy to identify..
So I leaned my guitar against hers, followed by Selene, Teresa and Yi Teng..
Took our phones and went back to the hall again..
Sat there see Weisi playing with her phone Ms Wan and told us to get up..
Everyone was so fustrated and she said, 'You all dun want your dinner izzit?'
And we stood up..
Then Weisi told me she dun like Ms Wan's attitude..
Haha, same same..
Just as we were going down the stairs, Weisi suddenly hold both my and Selene's hand then she say she scare later se fall down..
So if she fall, we also fall..
Then I told her she looked like getting married leh..
And then me and Selene pretend we are the wives and she is the husband..
Hahaha, we looked so dumb and funny at that instance..
Reached the gate and collected our dinner..
Were restricted to sit together at one corner and nowhere else..
Help the two of them take and went to sit on the bench..
Then teresa they all came to sit with us also..
Mdm Fadillah joined in..
Got an extra sausage from Weisi as she dun want..
And then something happened..
The heels of her shoe dropped..
She then asked me to go find Uncle and asked him to come..
Did as I was told and she pat on the space beside her and told him to sit down...
Then Uncle Lim suggested that she go use super glue and glue it togeher..
After that, we rise and started to head back to the make-up room..
Uncle Lim told Mdm Fadillah that he thought Weisi so good, asked him to sit down but actually got something to tell him to do..
That was so so so funny!!
She walked up the stairs very slowly and carefully..
When we reached the make-up room, she told me to close the door cause very pai sae..
And she just dumped Uncle Lim's 'suit' on the table..
Then Uncle Lim said, 'You dunno how to help me hang the clothes izzit? I helped you glue your shoe leh!!'
Then he started the mother thing again..
So funny sia..
Then we stayed in the room and played with the make-up stuffs..
And it was time for us to put on our make-ups..
Went to watch Mdm Fadillah help people put and we roamed around there..
Then the dunno whose mother came to help also..
Then the three of us quickly siam to the other side, scare later she tells us to go her side..
After quite a few people, Weisi asked me to go and me and Choi Yun stepped out at the same time..
Then Choi Yun said she want me to go first..
So I sat down..
Chao jin zhang can?
Mdm Fadillah also can sense that and asked me to relax..
So throw face..
After making up, quickly put down my hair get up..
Then Christy saw me and said I looked prettier without spect and I told her cannot lar, I need to wear spect if not later I fall on the stage very malu sia..
Weisi and Selene waited until behind behind then go lor, sabo me..
They finally decided to queue up at the back..
Saw a chair and went to seat and Weisi said I snatched her place, so we shared the chair since our butt so small..
When the queue moves, we also move with the chair...
Funny ar..
She started playing with her phone again and Xueqi said her phone also like that..
So they started talking about their phones..
I told Selene that they can start a conversation like that..
Then I took her phone and played but I dunno how to play sia..
So, she taught me and very fast de, I also know how to play le..
Not too bad la the game..
She took mine to play also..
And we moved the chair while we played..
When it was nearing to her turn, we collected our scarfs and put it on..
Started tying and upon seeing me tie so nicely, she also asked me help her tie..
Finally, it was her turn and she said she wanted to put mascara[did I spell correctly?]..
Then she can't open her eyes for like 2 minutes..
So Mdm Fadillah told me to take her to somewhere to sit first..
So she held onto me..
She hold damn tight to my hands lor, I think she scare I make her fall..
But I not so bad lar, fang xin..
Helped her counted up to 1 minute and she went to look into the mirror..
Very long lor, even Selene also cannot ta-han...
So we went to the toilet corridor there and waited for her..
When she came out, she couldn't find us..
Went to put our phones and she gave us sweets again and we took our guitars..
Only ours left there..
Quickly went back to the corridor and sat at the last few..
Then she said she wanna go toilet, ask me help her hold, she very ma fan hor?!
Then she told me to teach her the Romance D'amour song and juat the first part she said very difficult le..
Haiyo, tsk tsk..
Were told to stand by and get ready..
Help her take her tuner and we clipped together, then Liyana help me give Mdm Fadillah..
Started to feel nervous liao..
Were saying jiayou-ing to each other..
Finally, it was our turn and my row is the first to go up..
Once we stepped out, the audience like siao one, keep screaming..
So dark sia, cannot see quite clearly where the stands are..
Then told Chang Shi to move the stand closer to put our picks..
Hahs, clever right?
After finishing one song, they clapped and Uncle Lim turned aorund and bowed to them..
The Sound Of Silence is the most funny one, he did the 'shh' action..
Then after finishing Dream a Little Dream of Me, he signalled to us to stand up and Jonathan thought no more liao..
Then we sat down again and started our TOCCATA..
I think that that was the best that we had ever played..
So loud, so in-time and so united..
Finished all 5 songs le and we get off the stage row by row..
When Weisi walked past me, I gave her a thumb-up sign and she gave me a warm smile..
We moved to the waiting room and it was flooded with the band members..
Finally, I found the both of them and we put our guitars nicely again..
Actually, they were waiting for me to put with them so easy to identify..
Then Weisi asked me who was sitting behind her just noe, keep playing wrong notes..
Haha, it was Zhi An..
Btw, how she know he played the wrong note?
Dun tell me is because I evrytime seat behind her then she got listen one ar?
If only i sat behind her....
Collected our phones and we were given the permission to go out for break time..
So, we held our hands like couple like that and walked one row down..
Then I saw her friend, Angie, waving to her and I informed her..
She went to talk talk and I stood there looking around..
Didn't see Shuting and Joanna, think they went to the toilet..
Then we stood at the back of the hall..
Once the bell rings, we walked back down the row again..
Went back to the resting room and realised that our guitar bgs have been moved to the room..
Waited for them to take their guitars before I could take mine and asked where is my bag..
Immediately, Xueqi said it was with her...
So easy to identify ar mine..
Couldn't find Weisi one, so Selene went to help her take..
Once we put already, we went to our bags and sat there again..
We were then being surrounded by the String people..
Then they were giving out flowers and Weisi helped me took mine..
The three of us got the same colour and words..
Then Mdm Fadillah was distributing tuners and Weisi also helped catched..
So helpful ar she..
Then we talked talked for awhile and then suddenly she turned and faced me and said HELLO to me..
I was like wondering what happened and she said there got camera..
Wa sae, like that also can see sia, so observant..
Mdm Fadillah was like photographer like that, helping people take pictures everywhere..
Then she asked the both us why we squeeze down there, canno take photos..
We finally decided to get up, this time she no need me help pull her up..
She forgot to take her flower sia..
Old people, poor memory..
Then she went to take the Uncle Lim wearing scarf photo..
Became HIGH le..
Getting ready for the finale and walked to the corridor..
Nobody care about Ms Wan and her rows lor..
Then I asked Mdm fadillah whether can anyhow stand anot, since it is the finale and everyone just enjoy and she said YES!
So the five of us stand together when initially only me, Teresa and Yi Teng standing the third row..
But Weisi ar, think she very skinny wor, just squeeze in with Selene like that..
Haha, just joking..
As it was very long, we went to the other make-up and and rest there..
When we heard clapping sound, we quickly get ready but suddenly, there was one drum sound and we all 'HAIZ!
Then the both of us went back to the make-up room again and sat there..
Everybody also sit down..
And Weisi told me to take photo, using her phone..
Though it was not that nice, but I still asked her to send me lar, ji nian..
Then there was clapping sound again and we get ready but they shouted 'ENCORE' and we sat down again.
And the final time is real one...
My row went up first but Selene chose the second row so that we can stand together..
Still the same, there were saliva..
And then we gave out token of appreciation...
When they announce Uncle Lim's name, we shouted like hell..
Weisi suddenly went very high sia..
Keep shouting non-stop..
Then we got the 3 cheers one..
Compete with the band with Jia Jing leading..
Although we have fewer people, but we did not lose out to them..
We can say to be very united..
The strings so quiet sia, too little people liao..
Then with Jia Jing and the other one from band leading, we combine forces..
So loud..
After, we continue shouting and screaming, so noisy sia..
Everybody went high and crazy..
Got off the stage and packed up as the bus arriving le..
Was abit disheartened that Weisi going home from there as we've got to bid farewell there..
Was thinking that maybe we could sit together on the bus, you know?!
Haiz, nvm, I still helped her bring her guitar back safely to school avt and I pat her guitar as its owner is leaving already...
She did bid farewell to her guitar before that..
Upon returning to school, saw the canteen and thought of morning when we happy having our lunch there and when I went into 4A, I saw the empty corner where our bags used to be placed there, now only left mine..
The feeling is difficult to be described..
I wonder how it would be like without her sitiing in front of me and crapping with me most of the time..
I would feel very bored and guitar practice will no longer be fun le..
I wonder how we are going to SYF next year without them..
I think last year when I was sec 2 ar, is the best sia..
I don't want to be any important people, I can even give up my SL position just to exchange happiness...
I just hope that we can stay happy together forever, just like yesterday, cause happiness means alot to me..
I will miss her!
Although it is only a short period of time since we get to know each other so well, but I think it is a kind of fate that brought us together and allows us to be friends..
I will really really treasure this friendship very much..
I hope she does!