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S.H.E 爱音乐 Fun音乐 Let The Music PLAY
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday, 26th June 2008

I've quite a big news to announce today..
Woke up abit late this morning and had actually decided not to feed my pet, but I did..
Went over there and found that 3-tone was in a weird position..
Just when she was about to walk towards the bowl, she fell..
Then she was like whining in great pain and I sensed something was wrong..
I quickly carried flower up and went into my room to call sis up..
When we were at the cage, 3-tone could no longer stand up..
We did not know what happened to her..
I think she was hungry but had no strength to eat..
After waiting for awhile, she finally moved abit and my sis said that maybe it was a cramp..
At that time, I had to go off for school, but I did not have the mood..
Then I told my sis to sms me if anything is wrong.
At around 10.00, my sis called me and went to the toilet to answer..
She said that 3-tone could no longer hold it any longer and asked me whether I could go back home..
But I can't!
Was so shocked to recieve the news as I have been with 3-tone for so long, since she was a baby!
Though I didn't manage to save her sister, 2-tone, but I managed to take care of her!
At around 10.15, sis sms me and told me she was dead..
I was stunned!
I forced myself not to let tear flow out as I was still in school but I could not put up a smiley face either!
Pictures of 3-tone keep flowing into my head..
I did not know the reason why she died so suddenly!
I forced myself to think..
Is she too old?
Maybe, but she can't possibly died like that right?
Or was it because I helped her bathe yesterday while changing her bedding?
I bathed her with some disinfection stuffs cause she was dropping fur and I thought it was because of itchiness and that I could helped her clean..
Besides, she could not stop sneezing at night and I thought she was feeling abit cold due to the bath and put some warm water for her..
I didn't thought things to happened like this..
If it was because of the disinfection stuff, wouldn't it be me who had caused her death?
I was the murderer!
When I come home, I saw flower sleeping beside her and she was covered with a cloth..
Seeing that scene ar, I felt heart-broken and cried..
I didn't have the courage to open the cover and sis said that she didn't closed her eyes when she died..
This isn't a good thing, you know?!
And my sis also said that she was in great pain..
If she really was in great pain, then maybe letting her go is a good choice..
Maybe now, she has met her father, mother and sister in heaven and is living happily together with them..
Besides, it has been many years since they last met..
But I will still feel sad la as we had been together for almost 6 years le..
Now that I've only left one guinea pig, I think I have to take really good care of her..
I think she also feel very sad lor, as my sis said that she immediately ran to sleep by her side when she died..
Furthermore, from her eye, I can tell that she's sad and she didn't have the voice to squek..
Depressed now... ...

Though you have left me, but I hoped that I have given you a perfect and comfortable life all these years. Even when 2-tone left you early, but I hoped that you enjoyed spending your life with your friend, Flower. I may not have spend the last few hours with you, but I sincerely hoped that I could do so, and I was glad that you have spend it with another owner. I may not be able to hear your voice or see you anymore, but believe me, you will always stay in my heart! I will not forget how we spend the 6 years together and I want you to know that I love you very much! Hope that by now, you have already reunite with your family in another world and hoped that you will not forget me. Was glad that you were once a part of my life. Will miss you much. Rest in peace.

S.H.E Rawks =) 4:55 PM


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, 20th June 2008
I'm so sorry that I was late wishing her happy birthday!
Was at the camp la, no choice..
Furthermore, I haven't come out with a new song for her, oh gosh!!
Pai sae siala, I no time leh..
Still got homework haven't do yet, and monday school re-open liao..
But, I'll try to come up with the song asap, I promise..
Still in the camp mood!!
Anyway, I hope that all Ella wishes will come true, and that she'll stay healthy, cheerful and cute forever!
And also, I hope that the 3 of them will always stay together forever no matter what happens..
Stay cool man!
I'll support you all till the end, S.H.E RAWKS!

S.H.E Rawks =) 1:57 PM


Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, 20th June 2008
Back from the Sec3 Camp at Kota Tinggi..
This post will be quite a long post as it consists of 2 whole days!
Report to school and found Wanjie..
After short brief by Mr Bernard, the instructors went to their perspective groups..
We were the only class with 1 instructor and she is Eunice..
At first glance, she look like Zixiu can?!
My class is a.k.a Group 10.
Settle some stuffs before boarding the bus and we shared with 3D2..
Ours is a double-deck bus..
Sat alone near the end, so shiok la..
Put my shoebag on the outer seat.
Instructor Eunice was so busy taking photo here and there..
Then say Aeron looked like librarian..
Haha, come to think of it, really leh...
The ride there was long lor..
So boring on the bus..
When we reached there, there was this long long bridge..
It was fun crossing but Hilary walked very slow as she's scared.
Gathered at the campfire site there and sat on the second line..
Passed our valuables to instruc. Eunice, changed to our wet activities shoes and packed out daypack..
Gracia water bottle crack and I shared with her, cause I no daypack also..
Then moved to canteen and were assigned to out tent-mates also to have lunch..
Me and Samantha slept with qishan, xinmin, deila wan waiyan from group 7..
It was raining so no field cooking..
Also had a swop of activities with the other group..
Btw, 3A,B,C,D1 and E were in the Alpha(dunno spelling) group..
3D1 was our partnered group and they only know the word 'SCARY' and nothing else!
Our first was dunno call what but sth like climbing over the log..
Everyone had to come up with a strategy to move everyone over the log..
Benny was the first to go over..
In this game, I fell from the log cause halfway through when I had to move my 2nd leg over, my muscle cramp and cannot balance liao so I just let go..
Luckily I put both my hands forward to protect my head..
I think ar, I fell from the rock within 1 minute after I sat on it..
And I also think I was the 1st girl to fall and all other girls were a little bit scared liao..
Qishan said I very fast lor..
Then instruc. Eunice and Ms Wan came to ask if I'm okay..
After this activity, we proceeded to Indiana Jones, the activity that I like most..
And we were taught a cheer..
At least one person from each class have to cross to the other team side..
Then Rachel keep wanting to be on the platform la although she no use de..
Danny, Matthew, Hengwei and Fitriah very 棒!!
Fitriah sayed for the longest and Danny and Hengwei keep falling..
I also got fall once but I manage to cross to the second platform..
Furthermore, I saved Roseanna from falling..
Very fun lor, but our team faces Eric and Jing yong..
They very hiong lor, keep wanting to make us fall, but they themselves fell..
This is what I call 害人害己!!
In the end, no one manages to cross over..
Then we moved on to the river one..
Have to walk quite a long wy, but we no need t0 inflat the tyre..
Saw monkey on the way..
Everyone had to sit on the tyre and let the water carry you downstream..
Was fun, went with Roseanna, Gracia, Samantha, Hengwei and Clarence..
Then kena splashed by people..
Everyone sabo Ms Wan and Mr Tang to play..
We splashed Ms Wan like hell man, revenge time mah!!
Then we walked back in the heavy rain..
I cannot looke up lor, drops of water on my spect, so ma huan, then instruc. Eunice told us to look down and follow the people in front..
Did as I was told..
Went into the shelter to wait fot the rain to stop..
Then taught another cheer, the use of hand one..
When the rain became smaller, we walked to the raft one, but the rain became heavier again..
What the...
So the activity cancelled and headed back to the canteen..
Sat on the benches with our wet attire..
So cold lar..
The wind keep blowing..
Then got one guy keep wanting us to shout together with him, but our class didn't..
And instruc. came to scold us..
Pai sae la, but I was feeling cold at one moment and hot at another moment..
Then went to bathe..
Was shiverin like hell when taking clothes..
Need queue up sia..
They took so long to bathe one..
Then Qishan dropped everything on the floor, oh gosh!
The floor was vey wet and I just put my plastic bag on the floor, dun care..
In the cubicle liao, got some instruc. came to told us to bathe faster..
Went back to tent and took out windbreaker and headed back to canteen for dinner..
The food was nice again,but I forgot what dishes liao..
It was our class turn to serve, I think..
Took the food and enjoyed..
After that, had an early de-brief for the day and filledup a booklet cause we need to wait for the other big group to come back from their pelepah..
I find that instruc. Eunice the words very meaningful and encouraging sia..
All makes sense and some very touching..
Then had preparartions for the canmpfire and think of cheers we gonna do..
Instruc. Eunice keep giving out strepsils lor, funny sia she..
She taught us alot of cheers..
The campfire was fun even though there was no fire..
Stood at the front with Petrina cause nobody wanna stand, so we 陪 each other lor..
Then Danny dunno what happened andluckily instruc. Eunice came out to save us..
Thank you!
After campfire, had supper and briefing for the next day..
Went to clean our tent Wanjie's tent was so noisy and kena scolded by instrucs.
Mine also, cause we cleaning mah, then instruc. Eunice said,"Eh, Group 7 keep quiet and go to sleep."
Then I said, I'm from Group 10 sia!"
And she said," Really ar, you're from my group ar?"
And opened the cover..
Haha, damn cute and funny lar!
Then after that, she helped me closed the 'door'
So good right?!
Couldn't get to sleep, floor damn hard and too little space
Slept at 3++ and woke up at 5++..
Went to wash up with tent-mates at 6.30am..
Get ready and gathered at the canteen..
Wanjie shared her secret with me..
Had our breakfast and got ourselves ready for the trailing..
The walk there was long and tiring..
Reached destination at about 10.30 and had field cooking..
Rachel wanna start fire so let her start lor..
But she like know nothing lar..
Everytime samantha asked her whether want to put sth anot, she say dun want and then Roseanna will say just put..
So funny, then Samantha just put..
Finish liao, then start our trial..
We were the last group to go..
Had to walk through a river that was high and cold, at knee-length there..
Then my knee gt plaster cause kena scratch then blood keep oozing out..
When walking plaster came out, felt abit pain..
We walked a long way before we reached the 'waterfall'..
Got into the water and it was damn damn damn cold can?!
My spect turn misty lor..
Then the current so strong, so we held onto one another for support..
The first game we played was scissor paper stone and instruc. Eunice was the first to go..
She lost to the boys and we kena splashed..
Stood beside her and held hands, then backs kena splashed..
So cold lor, I also lost..
Me and Fitriah keep kena splashed cause we were standing in front..
The next game we played was 终极密码..
I think Casper cheat lor, he think so long before answering and then sabo me..
I kena lor..
Passed my spect to Petrina and stood in the middle and everyone splashed like hell..
Just cover my face cause I'll not be able to breathe if I never cover..
Then finish le, I flip like a dog..
Alot of water went into my ear lor, then hear things got echo de..
Went near the shore to dry myself and decided not to splash anymore, cause I myself will also kena mah..
Couldn't get the water out sia though I kept jumping..
Finished le, then need to walk back again..
Have to cross through the fast-flowing water and rocks, and were told not to step on the rocks cause slippery..
Held instruc. hand and cross..
Walked behind Matthew, he not gentleman one lor, got one very steep rock hor, he cross liao never helped me sia..
I had to think of a way to cross..
Then Roseanna behind me and I helped her to cross..
Walked walked walked back to the campsite and I nearly died!
Had a debrief before we went to bathe..
Decided not to bathe because of some inconvenience causes..
Pack our bags and headed to canteen for dinner..
Instruc. Euncie, once again, went around taking photos of us and we were very cooperative, let her take..
But I didn't took alone together with her, cause I don't dare..
Had a debrief and filled up the booklet again and another piece of paper...
Once again, her words are so meaningful and this time round, it was damn touching..
I was so touched and nearly cried but luckily I didn't, if not so malu..
Wrote a message for her and Fitriah and my motive was to make her cry..
Wrote quite long..
Then told her not to read here, cause sacred she really will cry..
Also, we gave her a cheer that she taught us except we changed the words..
Was she touched?!
Had a class photo near the resort there before boarding the bus..
Was the only one standing in front, so out and so wrong..
Then she told us to find her in facebook to get photos, butI couldn't find, so many Eunice there..
Will think of a way..
Boarded the bus and gave us back our things..
She also gave us sweet!!
So good right?!
So we gave her our 3 cheers!
Slept on the bus..
And when we reched checkpoint, I leg cramp and had difficulty getting down the bus..
I know I looked blur at that instant la..
Headed our way back to Singapore..
Bus didn't went into the school and we were dismissed outside..
It was so messy la, I didn't had a chance to bid her farewell..
So sorry!
Didn't have the photos with me for now, but will post it once I have them!
Below are the words that I didn't wrote on the message cause my mindwas in a blank at that time!

Chio-bu EuNICE,
Thanks for letting me enjoyed this camp so much! I had so much fun in these 2 days although it was so short.. Was glad that I went to the camp as I actually don't intend to go. You taught me quite alot of things regarding teamwork and you had motivate me alot! I guess the rest of the 3E'ians felt this way too! When I firstsaw you in school, I thought I saw my previous Senior sia, Zixiu.. You and some of your actions are similar to hers.. Hehe.. Although I had many minor injuries on my legs and I throw/lost quite some stuffs, but they are nothing compared to the things that I had learnt in this camp.. Wanna tell you that you've make me love this camp alot though the activities make me dirty! Hope I have a chance to see you again in other camps that I participate in the future and I'll definitely suggest this place to my friends! Hope that you've as much fun with 3E as we do with you! Wishing ya all the best in the things you do, will miss you sia! -hugs-

Here are the cheers that she taught us:
Group 10 oi, group 10 oi, group 10 group 10 sub sub oi

We're the best, we're the best, we're the best among the best. We're here to show our power power power, we're the best among the best. 3E!

Everbody dance now!
Bong chia bong,
2 times,
Bong bong chia bong,
3 times,
Bong bong chia bong bong chia bong bong chia bong.
Let' break it down now!
Bong chia bong bong chia,
Bong chia bong bong chia,
Bong chia bong bong chia,
Bong bong bong whew!
Bong Bong chia bong bong bong bong chia,
Bong Bong chia bong bong bong bong chia,
Bong Bong chia bong bong bong bong chia,
Bong bong bong whew!

Gimme 1 clap, 1 clap, 2 clap, 2 clap, 5 clap, 15 claps
Gimme 16 3E claps.

Still got alot I forgot liao, what Titanic one, hunting one, V one, Campfire's burning one etc...

S.H.E Rawks =) 6:35 PM


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, 14th June 2008
Can't believe that I actually cried when I watch 爱情战线 yesterday!
Is like damn nice and touching can?!
Cried at the 10th episode..
The ending there, so touching, when the two of them cannot be together even when they are in love just because of Christopher Lee..
He's like so irrtating lor, forcig people to be together with him just because he love her!!
But I thought true love is when you give the person you love happiness?!
Maybe he doesn't know that..
The part where I cried is when 陆云飞(Wallace Huo) asked 慕北北(Han Xue) if i wasn't for 愧疚, would she love him?
And she nodded her head..
That part was like, arrrr, all thanks to Christopher, they can't be together..
Then today continued episode 11, also cry..
Okay, I'm a crybaby when it comes to watching love drama..
Korean one even worst, cry like hell!!
Today one is because they were parting liao..
They were like 难分难舍 like that..
They were talking about the things that happened to them at different years of age..
When 云飞 reaches 27, he said he met sth that broke his heart..
Then 北北 said, she picked a phone which led her to knowing a devoted man whom let her felt heart-broken..
Then 云飞 said that at 28, he thought he would not love anyone until he met 慕北北..
Then 北北 said she met a man, fell in love, but now, have to leave him..
After that, when they were parting, 云飞 was the one who say bye-bye and 北北 just kept nodding her head, not looking at the guy..
After that, 云飞 suggest that they count to 3 together and then turned around..
When counting, 北北 was like never looking up one lor, then 云飞 kept looking at her..
So obvious that they dun want to part lor..
Then 云飞 put the phone back and started walking..
After walking for a distance, he ran and shouted,"慕北北,我爱你"
My Goodness!!
So touching can?!
Then 北北 was like crying over there..
If it was me, I also will cry one lar..
Maybe I shall put the video there, for those who wanna watch..
Is at around 5 mins there..
Hope that you find it as touching as I do!

S.H.E Rawks =) 1:47 PM


Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday, 13th June 2008
Is Friday de 13th!
Okay la, I'm not too bad on luck today, so nvm..
Only that, I can't on my psp even thought there's batt..
Dunno why, scareSCARE now..
Maybe I shall try charging it and on later, see how..
Went out with mum after her work today..
Went to Bedok to find her, eat lunch then head off to Chinatown to have out hair cut..
Cause her friend is a hair-dresser there..
Went to cut my fringe until it was like, errr..
Haiz, nvm, tmr long liao..
Also layered my hair until like siao!
Then aunty Maggie called me to teach her Bluetooth stuffs so I tuaght her how..
Her phone damn difficult to use lor..
Different from mine..
Then my mum and her were so busy sending songs..
And she called one rich tai-tai to come cause ytd she came and aunty Maggie dun know to teach her...
I was like busy helping and explaining to them, you know, tai-tai, need longer time and patience..
So repeated over and over again..
Was so busy handling three phones, Mum's, Aunty Maggie's and tai-tai's..
All nokia branded..
They were like, ehh, I want this song, I want that songs, then i took down the 'orders'..
After that, one worker[or should I called her 'Malay Lady?'] heard korean songs and she say she also want..
But is Nokia also, so nvm, not so headache..
Know why I call her malay lady?
Cause she's a malay who speak mandarin quite well too!!
Clever siala!
Her phone is like so nice la!!
Then Aunty Maggie told her to bluetooth herself since she knows, but she say since I so free then want me help her..
So, I just help lor, no big deal de..
They were like saying, I first I first..
Then the malay lady say, aiyo one by one lar, people so busy!!
Haiyo, dun worry, I'll help you all do one de!!
So funny ar, they all!!
So, I have 5 NOKIA PHONES on my bag, including mine..
But forgot to take pictures!!!!!!!!!!
Got free coke to drink also, so good ar??
Then going off le, they say thank you to me and were lucky that I was there, tell me to visit next time also..
So sweet ar!!
Anyway, feel sth wrong with my left eye for quite long le..
Tears keep wanting to flow out from it and is like quite pain..
From yesterday sia, dun tell me is eye infection sia..

S.H.E Rawks =) 9:14 PM


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday, 12th June 2008
I broke my record these 2 days, woke up at 11am yesterday and 10.30am today!!
Oh my...
Usually I wake up at 7.30am one leh, to do hw..
Just finished breakfast and was starting to feeling abit not too well..
Stomachache(correct spelling?) sia!
Think should be the fresh milk that I drank just now..
Everytime like that de leh..
I have a LOUSY stomach!!
Haven't totally unpack my bag cuase lazy mah..
Furthermore, sec 3 camp coming le, unpack liao ltr still need pack, ma huan sia!
Btw, was busy watching a new show call 爱情战线 by Christopher Lee, Wallace Ho, Han Xue and Yvonne Lim..
Is a China-Sinagpore-Taiwan show lar..
Cause Han Xue is from China mah..
Then her chinese was like... ...
Damn slang and good can?!
Luckily I manage to understand..
The plot was nice lar, although I don't get some parts!
The eng title is A Mobile Love Story..
I know it sounds stupid but if you watch it, you wil know why this name is given!
Anyway, will be damn busy these few days..
Got chinese project(haven't even started discussing), then D&T also, hw, guitar pract and camp..
Next week, mon got D&T lor 1-5pm, then tue got guitar pract 1-5pm also, wed camp liao..
But I wanna watch KUNGFU PANDA!
Heard that it is nice!!
Maybe go watch it after mon or tue stuffs?!
Haiya, dunno la, still have to find pple to go pei me watch..

S.H.E Rawks =) 11:05 AM


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday, 10th June 2008
Just finish Guitar Camp!
OMG, can't believe la, so fast end liao..
What de... ...
Was thinking that maybe, they should put 3 day-2nights?
Although everyone was worn out, but we were really having greatGREAT fun!
This maybe the last guitar camp for all Sec 3s as we're all moving on to Sec 4s next year..
So that means, we won't be able to enjoy as much as this year!
Things are going way too fast!
I've been in guitar for so many years le!
For all these years, there're ups and downs la...
Could still remember the time when I just join chords...
Everytihing was so new to me, and I was the only sec 1 from that section..
Had to make new friends and stuffs, so that means have to be outgoing too!
That's difficult!
Then very close to seniors le, they leaving liao sia..
What de.. ..
Had to make new friends again!
... ...
Now, hmm, chords is like so strong and I'm glad that I can maintain it so well!
At least, I never let my senior down, the efforts that she put in teaching me!
Without her around, I've learnt to be more independent now..
Okay, come back to the camp... ...
First day was like fun(to me)!
ICs have to report early to move and prepare stuffs..
Then all campers arrived at 9..
Some brought them up to 4H, while I went to 4H first to arrange tables and chairs and WELCOME them!
When they enter, is like so messy can?!
Told them to put guitars one side and bags one side, then sit according to their groups..
But some haven't arrive cause of their holiday lessons!!
Awww, so sad!
Ms wan did the briefing and all hps were being collected except for SOME ICs!
What is this?!
My phone!!!!!!
Okay, have to fast foward everything cause I WANT MY SLEEP!
Then move on to the Ice-breaker games..
First game was a total failure, maybe it's because it's uninteresting or because, they haven't know each other well enough yet!
Then Changshi called to ask me go to the field for the game the Driest WINS!
Cause that game is I think one mah..
Then Mr soong modify some parts to make it more interesting..
So, was it fun?
I'm not sure..
I only know that it's very hot to walk here and there, repeating/watching the same thing over and over again..
But it was very fun to throw the water bombs, you know?!
Was very far behind time cause every group took longer time then we had expected!
Luckily Yuqi was there to help la, teaching them cheers and all that stuffs!!
After finishing the stations games, we moved on to make water bombs..
They continued learning their cheers..
There were like so many bombs can?!
My gosh!
When finished le, they were briefed by ms wan, I think, then all Comm members went to change into slippers..
The water bomb game then begins..
It was like so fun la, seeing them throwing the water bombs carefully at their friends, not wanting to burst them(which always turn out being burst)..
But WE are the most tiring one..
Refilling their bombs and the bombs were like so far can, and they used finished so fast!
Okay, then I coudn't ta-han, so I slowed down abit and was so surprised that sb actually knows my name liao and told me there was no more bombs!
Woah, that was fast!
Then they were free to throw all the bombs at any people they like..
Luckily, we save some for ourselves(self-protection sia)!
We went around bombing them and they, bombing us..
I purposely aimed those back facing me one..
More easy mah, then more surprising also!!
Then throw already quickly turned around lor, so they won't know is me..
But I also got kena one bomb la..
After that went to the toilet to watch legs..
Okay, I gave those I bombed one a chance to take revenge, to wet me lar..
But unsuccessful, none of my business!
Lunchtime come and go..
Then waited for practice to start..
Practice practice until 5 o'clock, then let all groups prepare an item for the farewell party..
While we went to the dance studio to decorate the room and realised that Xiuwen forgot to do Weisi's card!!
OMG, so we just take the colourful paper from the noticeboard lor..
Saying that she's the oldest, so hers got colour one..
Very quickly, graduating seniors arrived le, but Weisi was nowhere to be found...
Actually used Yuqi's phone to inform her about the starting time, but she got sms-ed back and I didn't know..
Then a call came and yuqi told me it was for me..
It was Weisi!!
Okay, she thought that was my phone, haha..
Funny ar she!
She is the tardy queen, so late then come!
Actually was suppose to accompany her one..
But it turn out that I didn't!
I'm so sorry Weisi, but I was so busy with many stuffs!
Were you lonely?
I hoped not, cause I promised not to let her feel lonely!
Actually, I didn't know things will turn out this way lar..
Everything went wrong at that critical moment!
The cake didn't arrive, the performance weren't up and the handing over session was delayed!
Everyone was like so stress la, so confused somemore..
Some pple say ms wan was making it more complicated..
Luckily there were the Sec 4s to entertain the campers and themselves!!
When everything was finally settled, we had the giving of mugs session..
Every cups were given out by yuqi...
Didn't get a chance to hug Weisi..
Last opportunity sia la!
Then it was followed by the annoucning of the new comm members..
I had to go up to the front cause of SL..
Stand there also dunno where the eyes need to put where, so talked to shiying..
Then we quickly rushed to prepare nightwalk activities..
STILL, I didn't have a chance to go talk to Weisi!
She was going home already, but I couldn't find a chance to go bid farewell to her!
I'm so so so sorry Weisi, I hope you don't mind!!
大人有大量 la hor?!
Did the piano keys station..
But there's was only one lipstick, so finish whole game le then go take from other room..
Was just about to walk in then Beatrice walked up to me and smashed abit of cream on my face!
But I just went in to take lipstick..
Finish all activities le, went to find lijin a.k.a lili..
She used the chocolate tinggi and make until my jersey!
My one and only jersey!
Then went around to draw people face..
But didn't saw Christy was there and I drew on her friend!
She just grab my hand lor, then the two of them draw on me!
I'm no match for her, so I just let them draw..
But who cares anyway, we're bathing later!
Okay, the lower sec were bathing so slowly and we're all very very tired!
Furthermore, the school was like so dark can?!
No lights!
Used torches..
Finally, it was our turn and we all went together..
I must say, we bathed damn fast can?!
Although something small happened to my bathing kit..
And I think I hurt my shoulder when carrying the pail..
Can't carry too heavy thing, cause I hurt it last time..
It's still pain now though..
Haiz, nvm..
Hair was wet and coudn't to sleep..
It was like 1.30am?
Was hungry, so went out with lili to grab a bite..
Okay, there were like so many people at the station there can?!
Finished eating le, went to check on xiuwen cause she was not feeling well..
Went back also couldn't get back to sleep, so toss here and there..
But I manage to fall asleep for just 1 hour!
That's maximum amount of time that I could stay asleep that night!
So woke up at around 4.45 and get ready for my patrol shift..
I must say that the floor was damn hard lar, sleeping bag also no use de..
Back aching now!
Went to wake xiuwen up as she was my partner..
She was so blur at first..
Went to wash up if not later alot of people need to wait..
Then went to the station to eat sth again cause I hungry again..
Finish le went 4th floor patrol and to wait Vanessa Soh and Felicia up..
The doors were freaky, I didn't even touch ar, open liao..
3B alot of people lor..
Went down again to slack..
15 mins later, I went up again to collect my mug..
The door, once again, open when I haven't touch it!!
Found it and decided to sleep inside for a while..
As the tables were stack so high up, we're standing sleeping..
Heard some noise and realised that someone was not sleeping..
Actually alot lar..
Told them still got about 1/2 hour more to go and asked them to go to sleep..
Went down again..
Time flew, and it was waking up time..
Wake up those in 3E first, but decided not to wake Beatrice up as she slept very late..
Whole lot finish brushing teeth le then went to call the sec 2s..
They were the LAST!
Ah-ha, PIGGY!!
Sec 1s faster than them lor..
Some were awake le, but most were still asleep..
Some around the teacher's table were, umm, I dunno, half awake?
Then on one light, nobody wake up, then off two fans..
Heard someone grumbling when I on the the lights..
Then someone told me to off dunno which light, so I was happily testing there..
After everyone has wake up, went with lili to visit her class..
She didn't lock her locker lor, then her password so easy lor..
Dummy she..
Went to open the cupboard and went inside, then saw sth scary..
A lizard's tail!!
The sec 2s were sleeping with a lizard te whole night!
Oh my gosh!
Had our morning exercise, everyone got scolded..
Were instructed by ms wan to lead all sec 2s to their bunks and take their stuffs into the store, then clean up the classroom..
Were given a time limit..
So told them to hurry hurry chop chop..
But funny leh, they just won't hurry, take their own sweet time, esp the TWO of them..
Irritating leh..
Then I just told them to run when counting down time..
Had our breakfast..
Was assigned to group 4, oh my..
Then sth happened to Jeanette, she was not feeling well, felt like vomitting..
But it was all settled in the end..
Had our practice, people went for lessons, uncle lim's boring lesson...
Then finish liao, those people also come back le..
Was briefed by uncle what they were suppose to do during the next practice, but I think I forgot le leh..
Had our lunch and me and lijing were told that we had 3 hours break for orienteering as ours is the last station..
So we asked ms wan if we can join other group..
And we chose the one which we think is the most fun one..
Actually, they were counted lucky to have us, you know, cause I have the procedure of each station mah..
Was actually thinking of planning the route, but realise that my map reading very de lousy, so I gave up..
No wonder my geog so lousy!
They were all so high, high until I dunno what they talking about, so I just lead the way for them..
The orienteering was tiring yet fun..
I get to make new friends, you know(which I seldom do as I suck at making friends)?!
We took a bus back school as we were quite late..
Reached already told them to sit down and rest whereas I went to settle the last game(which I initially thought would be the worst game of all)..
Explain to Changshi as he would be doing the briefiing and I would be resting!
The group I took charge of was playing la, I cannot ta-han, laid on the bench...
Then their turn la, told them go watch..
See everyone playing so happily, I was so satisfied in my heart you know?!
Finally, the last game succeeded!
Then the comm members also play..
It was damn fun siala!!

Then had to lead them back to 4H to de-brief..
Was again instructed by ms wan to bring all lower sec to bring their stuffs down and clean the room..
Okay, they were all doing things together.,.
Then went in to check if it was really cleaned..
Was surprised to see that they were still outside talking..
Were they waiting for me?
A big thank you to them if they were..
Prize-giving time!!
Every group has got a prize to be fair to everyone..
Then the comm members also have..
ms wan was like telling them how much effort we had put in although most of us did not attend
Then everyone of us was suppose to give a speech..
Okay, this is a secret ar..
When it was my turn to give the speech, my tears nearly roll down you know?
My voice was damn soft and I tried to talk asap..
I don't think they understand me..
Dunno why leh..
Maybe I was touched?
So I talked with a very funny voice and I was like telling myself: "No crying, no, don't roll down. Very ugly later. 忍忍忍!!!"
But nobody noticed right, did you?
Juniors actually wanna take photo one, but they went off after waiting for some time..
Just kidding!
Anyway, I've learnt alot of things from this camp and other comm members..
They really taught me how to make wise decision and make me more responsible for my action..
They also taught me how to learn to go take care of others lo..
Most importantly, I've make quite a number of friends in these 2 days(I know I'm slow, but pls don't laugh)..
Furthermore, I'm already very clear which Vanessa is which person le!
The 3 Vanessa(s)!!
Vanessa Tang a.k.a tangTANG is the 1st guitar one, Vanessa Chia is the small size one and Vanessa Soh is my chord junior!!
That's a big accomplishment to me..
Also, I want to thank the weather for being so co-operative and to only rain now!

But... ...
I will still miss Weisi, my crappy fensi.
Wish her all the best for her upcoming 'O' levels!
Here are the pictures, enjoy!

Ensemble photos

Comm members photo with ms wan and mr soong

Okay, this is for those who did not catch what I was saying(my lousy speech):
"I wanna thank all the campers for all your co-operation and your active participation in all the activities. I also wanna thank all the ICs for all hard work in organising the camp. I enjoyed it very much and I hoped you do too!"

To add on(never say cause I scare I really will cry saying this line): "I love you all! Muackz!"

S.H.E Rawks =) 8:26 PM


About Me

Habe_Choo Jiayi
3 February 1993
Nanyang Polytechnic after Dunman Secondary after East Spring Primary
1E'06 2D'07 3E'08 4E'09
Guitar Ensemble[chords]
People who are talented, humble and friendly!
People who're bias, who copies, who acts, backstabbers, arrogant
Actors/Actress:Jeanette Aw(S'pore),Rui En(S'pore),Elvin Ng(S'pore),Linda Chung(Hong Kong),Kate Tsui(Hong Kong),Fala Chen(Hong Kong) Singers:S.H.E,Elva Hsiao,Tank,Wang Lee Hom,Wang Fei,Tanya Chua,BoA,Avril Lavigne


-All my S.H.E stuffs(Albums, Dramas, DVDs, Posters, Magazines, Poker Cards & Jigsaw puzzle etc..)
-My iPhone4
-My Guitar
-My Laptop


Learning all their dance steps
Hoping to be able to play their songs using a piano

Follow HaBeChoo on Twitter


Avril Lavigne
Chen Pei
Hai Shan
Eelyn Kok 郭蕙雯
Ella 陈嘉桦
Hebe 田馥甄
Jeanette Aw 欧宣
Jia Hui 萧嘉惠
Jia Tsuey
Julie Tan 陈绍茵
Kia Hwee
Shi Yun
Shu Ting
Selina 任家萱
S.H.E Selina.Hebe.Ella
S.H.E OMY blog
Yann Ting
Yi Han

S.H.E_video[Wo Ai Ni and Tong Kuai Live 2004]
S.H.E_video[Wo Ai Ni Mv]
S.H.E_video[Superstar and Re Dai Yu Ling Live 2006]
S.H.E_video[Christmas Performance]

S.H.E_video[Super Model Performance]
S.H.E_video[Tian Hui Mv]
S.H.E_video[Bu Xiang Zhang Da Live 2006]
S.H.E_video[Autograph Session 2006]

S.H.E_video[Bu Xiang Zhang Da interview]
S.H.E_video[Wo Men Zen Me Le Mv]
S.H.E_video[Goodbye My Love Mv]
S.H.E_video[Zi Teng Hua Mv]
S.H.E_video[Hebe and Jay Mv]

S.H.E_video[A Ghost Incident]
S.H.E_video[S.H.E Ugly Sights]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session Tong Kuai 1/3 09/01/05]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session 2/3 09/01/05]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session 3/3 09/01/05]

S.H.E_video[Dun Wanna Grow Up Autograph Session Bu Xiang Zhang Da 1/2 09/01/06]
S.H.E_video[Marina Square Dun Wanna Grow Up Autograph Session Tian Hui 2/2 09/01/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM Ring Ring Ring 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Chu Dian 1/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session 2/7 27/10/06]

S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le 3/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le cont'd 4/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le cont'd 5/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM Ring Ring Ring 3/4 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session 4/4 27/10/06]

S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 1/5]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 2/5]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 3/5]


my PLAYlist


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
September 2012


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