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S.H.E 爱音乐 Fun音乐 Let The Music PLAY
Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday, 26th September 2008
Can't believe that FYE is just 5 days away, and yet, I'm here slacking!!
Oh my..
Think I'm going to do badly this time round..
Many things happened yesterday lo, remedial cancelled and then got detention..
Then me and Yann Ting thought we'd made Roseanna angry, 吓死我们 sia!!
Then we quickly thought of a way to apologise and didn't pay attention in both Chemistry and A-maths..
Haha, but Wan Jie was the 'peacemaker' and helped us go and asked her..
But at last, it was a happy ending..
She 陪 me serve the 1/2 hr detention also before going home together..
Haha, thanks so much!! =)
Another lonely day at home today..
Mum went out and sis dunno go where..
Everyone seems to be busy everyday, leaving me alone at home..
I don't like lor, rather study in school, cause when I'm alone at home, this is what happen...
I will on the comp...
Furthermore, at home no one to teach me when I dunno how to do qns as sis may be busy or not at home most of the time..
Sian ah!!!!!!!!
Shall really sit there and study now!!!!

S.H.E Rawks =) 5:20 PM


Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday, 19th September 2008
Final year exam is just arriving in 2 weeks time!
Oh my, is just so fast can?!
Haiya, quickly over la...
Went to East Spring yesterday for the recycling competition and was hoping to see Ms Tay..
But didn't see her..
Got so many fond memories lor, the moment I step into the school..
All those happy moments that I spent there just keep appearing in my mind, 要忘也忘不掉..
Sometimes I really wonder why we need to grow up, problems are just coming one after another that makes me feel like just like running away from them..
After that, we were dismissed from there and walked to the T-mart bus-stop with leonard, yann ting, roseanna, hilary and rachel.
Some boarded 28 while some took cab..
Roseanna said she wanna drink BBT so went to buy, then accompany her walked until the 201 traffic light there.
So good right?!
Just kidding..
Today, actually want to stay back for dnt-presentation board de, but like no one staying back, so went home lor..
Hai, sianx leh at home..
So many things that irritates me la..
Sometimes, I really wish that there's a hostel in school lor..
Stay there, then dun ever come back anymore..
What's the use?
The moment I come back, like enter jail like that, everything cannot do..
Even listen to music while doing hw also cannot..
The tv so loud, then is like equal to me listening to music right?!
Then also cannot use comp, if not say I keep using, then never study..
I study, never see, I use comp then nag..
What's this?
Cannot stay back in school also, say I never study, paly in school..
What de.........
Is definitely better than staying at home right?
Far away from all the distractions!
No life can?!
Cannot do a single thing which please me..
Sometimes, I really wish to tell her 如果你没有树立个好榜样给我,就不要一直管我!
Is the truth what, you can't set a good example then you expect me listen to you and rule my life!
It's not even fair!!
Now, the only time that can allow me to free myself from all these fustrating problems is only when I'm with Jiawei's or Tianwei's fans and also in school cause I just realise recently that these people actually cares alot about others..
If I can, I really wish to get out of here... ...
Staying here is really tiring... ...

S.H.E Rawks =) 2:25 PM


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thursday, 4th September 2008
Was supposed to go play Table Tennis today de, but in the end it was postponed to tmr..
Anyway, went to the airport with some friends to send off the Jia Wei they all..
Thanks mum for allowing me to go, I promised to study hard..
Went to Bangawa Solo to buy 2 pandan cakes for Jia Wei and Tian Wei..
Totally forgotten about Yue Gu!!
Oh my, I hoped she not angry!
We support you also!!
You're so friendly towards us!
Then went back and one of our friends told us that she saw Jia Wei standing behind her!
She was saying,'I used to support Jia Wei one..'
And then realised that she was standing behind or walking past her, she was like OMG!!
Then we were like where where where?
But no time la, we've got to write sth on the box of the cake!!
So I wrote for Jia Wei's one while Joan wrote for Tian Wei's one..
Although there were more Tian Wei's fan, but they all shared the cakes!!
That's so good!!
So pai sae, I wrote until so ugly, so cold, so nervous, hands were shaking so badly..
Sorry Jia Wei!
Anyway, took a picture of the cake box..
Then Joan was saying, 'Quick, give to Jia Wei now, if not later no chance le!'
I was like standing down there, wondering, where is she?
I don't even know where how can I give?
Was busy searching for red coloured shirt people..
Then she said, 'There there!! Talking on that phone that one..'
Then I saw..
Walked towards her with Rachel..
Saw her talking on the phone, so turned our backs facing her..
Then after that turned around and saw Su Kai walking towards her and she suddenly said, '这是我们五个人卖给你的蛋糕!'
I was like, 'Woah, fast action, so I just 配合 her and gave it to her personally..'
She said Thank You!
Then she asked me how we know she'll be there and I told her is Joan told me one..
After that I asked if I can take photo with her and she said YES!
So Rachel helped me take..
When it was her turn and we were exchanging cameras, 'PLANG!', my camera dropped onto the floor..
I gave a soft scream!!
So 失态 can?!
I think I face red le..
But I quickly helped Rachel take, with my hand shaking so terribly that she can see..
After that, Joan they all wanna take, then I checked on my camera and realised that it was spoilt!
Then Rachel asked me if I wanna take another one, so I asked Jia Wei, '我可以跟你拍多一张吗?照相机坏了..'
Of course, I didn't said it so clearly, suddenly got abit kou chi..
But I presumed she understand?
She asked me, '摔坏啦?'
And I said, 'Ya'
She was so kind to take another one with me..
This time, her smile broaden cause of my folly actions..
I think I left a funny impression for her lor..
The first fan who dropped the camera right in front of her..
But they all said she might think I'm cute..
Lol, I know that they're just trying to console me..
After that, saw Tian Wei and went to take photo with her also..
This time round, my hands were not shaking as much..
Saw Jia Wei going in le, then followed her until the gate..
She and Yue Gu so fast lor, checked in so early..
After they finished checking in le, then Jia Wei looked back, and me and Rachel waved to her..
To our surprise, she waved back!!
Then we gave her a Thumbs-up sign and she nodded her head and waved again..
Oh my, I think she recognise us le lor!
That's a good thing, I suppose?!
Then we went for dinner at mac..
We were discussing that maybe some time later, we go and play table tennis at STTA..
During their training days..
So funny ah, they all..
Then we still say meet in London in 2012 and stay at Su Kai's hse as she'll be studying there soon..
Lol, I doubt I can go..
So $$$
And dunno whether Jia Wei will be playing by then!
Hope so!!

Before I dropped my camera, I was the 1st to take!! =)

Camera dropped le, Rachel(not dmn one) helped me take, her smile broaden! =)I was the first and last one to take with her..

Took together with Tian Wei, was the last one.. Lol, same posture.. Haha..

S.H.E Rawks =) 11:50 PM


About Me

Habe_Choo Jiayi
3 February 1993
Nanyang Polytechnic after Dunman Secondary after East Spring Primary
1E'06 2D'07 3E'08 4E'09
Guitar Ensemble[chords]
People who are talented, humble and friendly!
People who're bias, who copies, who acts, backstabbers, arrogant
Actors/Actress:Jeanette Aw(S'pore),Rui En(S'pore),Elvin Ng(S'pore),Linda Chung(Hong Kong),Kate Tsui(Hong Kong),Fala Chen(Hong Kong) Singers:S.H.E,Elva Hsiao,Tank,Wang Lee Hom,Wang Fei,Tanya Chua,BoA,Avril Lavigne


-All my S.H.E stuffs(Albums, Dramas, DVDs, Posters, Magazines, Poker Cards & Jigsaw puzzle etc..)
-My iPhone4
-My Guitar
-My Laptop


Learning all their dance steps
Hoping to be able to play their songs using a piano

Follow HaBeChoo on Twitter


Avril Lavigne
Chen Pei
Hai Shan
Eelyn Kok 郭蕙雯
Ella 陈嘉桦
Hebe 田馥甄
Jeanette Aw 欧宣
Jia Hui 萧嘉惠
Jia Tsuey
Julie Tan 陈绍茵
Kia Hwee
Shi Yun
Shu Ting
Selina 任家萱
S.H.E Selina.Hebe.Ella
S.H.E OMY blog
Yann Ting
Yi Han

S.H.E_video[Wo Ai Ni and Tong Kuai Live 2004]
S.H.E_video[Wo Ai Ni Mv]
S.H.E_video[Superstar and Re Dai Yu Ling Live 2006]
S.H.E_video[Christmas Performance]

S.H.E_video[Super Model Performance]
S.H.E_video[Tian Hui Mv]
S.H.E_video[Bu Xiang Zhang Da Live 2006]
S.H.E_video[Autograph Session 2006]

S.H.E_video[Bu Xiang Zhang Da interview]
S.H.E_video[Wo Men Zen Me Le Mv]
S.H.E_video[Goodbye My Love Mv]
S.H.E_video[Zi Teng Hua Mv]
S.H.E_video[Hebe and Jay Mv]

S.H.E_video[A Ghost Incident]
S.H.E_video[S.H.E Ugly Sights]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session Tong Kuai 1/3 09/01/05]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session 2/3 09/01/05]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session 3/3 09/01/05]

S.H.E_video[Dun Wanna Grow Up Autograph Session Bu Xiang Zhang Da 1/2 09/01/06]
S.H.E_video[Marina Square Dun Wanna Grow Up Autograph Session Tian Hui 2/2 09/01/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM Ring Ring Ring 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Chu Dian 1/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session 2/7 27/10/06]

S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le 3/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le cont'd 4/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le cont'd 5/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM Ring Ring Ring 3/4 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session 4/4 27/10/06]

S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 1/5]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 2/5]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 3/5]


my PLAYlist


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
September 2012


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