Okay, I dunno why there's all these photobucket things popping out of nowhere..
So, I found out that I hadn't done quite alot of homeworks lately, cause of my cough and all that..
I really wonder how I am going to say my oral when my voice is like this?!!
My god!!
Going to be so busy for the next few days,
Fri-Chem, Chinese, CCA, night study.
Sat-Rubiks competition and going down to Aunty Maggie.
Sun-Going to get a new line.
Undone homeworks: 2 compos, D&T and oral..
I think I'm going to be so DEAD!
All thanks to my stupid illness!
Feel so useless now!
Maybe I chionging not going CCA or night study tomorrow, scare my fever returns..
Shall see how...
Anyway, something unexpected happened today..
While I was alone with dad, which I hate it, he came and asked me, "Have you put your hongbao money in the bank yet?"
At first, I thought what happened, so I replied, "No"
And guessed what he say?!
Think maybe none of you may guess it..
He said, "Can lend me $50?"
I was totally DUMDFOLDED!!!
If I had known that he will ask this, I will say yes in the first place!!
I had never thought that he will have the cheek to borrow money from me!! But, how am I going to reject him?
I'm totally weak in this, rejecting people..
Although he said that he'll return me next week, but I still did not intend to lend him at all!! He spent all his money on that "maid" and her son, didn't even bother about giving us more, why should I even bother to lend him?!
But, in the end, I still lend him $30..
I'm still deciding whether I should tell mum about this, but I guess I shall see how things get going, I shall see if he keeps his promise...
Ok, enough of these grumbling, let's get on with my schoolworks!
Finally had a good night sleep, and woke up with a terrible feeling..
My throat was so DRY and I had BLOCK nose!!
Think I'm falling sick soon, which I can't afford to!
There're so much things to do!!!
Need to catch up with D&T which I had not touched for almost 2 weeks!!! Furthermore, having a sore throat together with a flu is a very terrible thing for me!
Anyway, yesterday was the start of our night study and I spent 15 hours in school!!
How wonderful is that?! Haha..
So we have gotten our schedule for the practices..
Having practice on Monday, Wednesday and Friday..
Tuesday would be sectional..
All would be in the afternoon, except for Tuesday..
Other than CCA, still have chemistry lesson on Wednesday and Friday in the morning..
And Chinese Compo class on Wednesday and Friday too..
Not sure of the timing, must go and ask J..
On Tuesday, I'll be going down to Aunty Maggie's salon there to have my rebonding done!
It's most probably in the afternoon and I guess I may have to leave early..
Hope that there's no UNEXPECTED programs popping out!!
On Saturday, I'll be having the rubiks cube competition..
Omg, I think I'm going to lose!! Anyway, I'll be like a bee in the holiday, so busy!!
But, I slacked the whole day today, spending it with S.H.E!!
And, for the first time, I took a 1 and 1/2 nap, cause I'm so tired!!!
Shall start work tomorrow...
My ideal hairsyle after rebonding(Hebe's hairstyle, to be precise)..
Anyway, Ms Nawal marked finished our E-maths paper today..
Guess what?!
I passed by 3 marks!! Although I keep telling myself it's just a common test, but I still feel rather dissappointed with myself!!
I put much effort in it, I thought the paper was quite easy, I had confidence in it but it turned out to be this way!
Just like what I had said before, I shouldn't have too much confidence in myself!
Ms Yeo also marked finish our paper but she didn't come today..
Heard that there were some failures, I hope it's not me!! There are some people who scored quite high but I think I won't be in that group..
As long as I don't fail or pass too barely, I'm content!
Anyway, many things happen in this 1 week..
Thought I couldn't get my rebonding done, but it's settled!
Thought I could get a new phone number by Tuesday, but my last bill haven't settle, so couldn't!
Hair straightener spoilt!
Found out that my English teacher is a strong woman and I salute her!
Many things changed in class which made me quite happy!
The most serious thing is that I got ticked off by my dad yesterday for nothing!
Which made me not in the mood to do anything!
I was just telling him that he had not paid the $30 for my bill and that I could not get a new line because of that..
He just blowed his top saying, "Ask mum to pay, keep asking me for money, think I got lots of money is it?!"
I was so pissed off upon hearing that!! He continued saying, "Everything ask me to pay, I pay for electricity bill, phone bill etc. I got give her money for you all one leh! How much you got each week??"
I told him $25 and he said i was supposed to get $30 and that he gave her more than enough for our expenses, just where did she spend on?! If it was not in the night, I'm sure I'll talk back to him!
He still have the cheek to ask me where she spend the money on?! Is he INSANE?
We should be the one asking him that question!! He rather spend it on some ugly "maid" son than spend on us!
Just who's his real daughter?
Furthermore, who's the one who landed us in all these troubles?
Changing all the numbers just because he can't afford to pay his hefty sum of bills!
It's all his fault and he still dare to complain!
Just what did we do to deserve this?!
In the past, I used to be proud of him because he works in Mediacorp and can afford to give us what we want, but now, I don't think so!
I guess I'm starting to hate him..
He 's the one who make me feel like a freak in class, for example, everyone pay the 'O' Level fees by Giro but I pay by cash!
I used to pay everything by Giro, so convenient!
He brought so much trouble to us!!
Just like what my teacher had said, we should leave this type of people and carry on with our lives!
Who said that we, women, have to depend on guys?
Sometimes, I really feel like giving up and earn some money to provide for myself, so I do not need to keep asking money from my mother because I know she doesn't have enough at times.
School ended at 9.30am today, which was like so early, so I decided to went home cause I'll be going out with sis in the afternoon, after her lesson..
Decided to finish Journal so that I have more time to do D&T at night..
But CT is just next week and I only studied some physics and maths..
Think I'm going to be so dead..
Slept at nearly 12 every night and my dark rings are coming out!!!
Anyway, went to Tampines Mall with mum and sis..
Went to Hello! to get a new phone line for my sis cause hers is going to be cut off soon..
As there's a student plan offer now, she got a new phone..
Sony Ericsson W910i, the walkman phone which is the same as my mum and the one that I wanted..
But now, I decided to get a CYBER-SHOT one instead, since I have a MP3 already..
As she's above 18, the new line is under her name, which is like so cool, unlike mine which have dad's name underneath..
Then mum asked the guy if I can take out dad's name and put hers because I'm under 18..
Sadly, the person say cannot..
So I have to cut my phone line fast if not, once they cut my line, I can no longer get a new line using my name..
This is like so IRRITATING!!!
I have got all these troubles all thanks to my "WONDERFUL" dad..
I think he does nothing except creating trouble to others!
I'll make sure he go cut my line as fast as possible, if not I'll really hate him, forever!!
I'm super angry with that!
This means that I'll have to go without phone for 3 whole days!
How on earth am I going to survive??
Furthermore, having to informe everyone that my number changed is a very troublesome task!
Received another news from mum saying that she came upon a newspaper saying that Hebe is going to release her own album and that S.H.E is going to disband soon..
I was SUPER DUPER angry with that news!
What's exactly wrong with H.I.M?
S.H.E 出道这么久了,除了这么多专辑,也算是没给华研唱片公司丢脸..
How can they do this?
I really hope that S.H.E can continue releasing album as a group because, they say that they'll be... ...
Habe_Choo Jiayi
3 February 1993
Nanyang Polytechnic after Dunman Secondary after East Spring Primary
1E'06 2D'07 3E'08 4E'09
Guitar Ensemble[chords]
People who are talented, humble and friendly!
People who're bias, who copies, who acts, backstabbers, arrogant
Actors/Actress:Jeanette Aw(S'pore),Rui En(S'pore),Elvin Ng(S'pore),Linda Chung(Hong Kong),Kate Tsui(Hong Kong),Fala Chen(Hong Kong)
Singers:S.H.E,Elva Hsiao,Tank,Wang Lee Hom,Wang Fei,Tanya Chua,BoA,Avril Lavigne
-All my S.H.E stuffs(Albums, Dramas, DVDs, Posters, Magazines, Poker Cards & Jigsaw puzzle etc..)
-My iPhone4
-My Guitar
-My Laptop
Learning all their dance steps
Hoping to be able to play their songs using a piano