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S.H.E 爱音乐 Fun音乐 Let The Music PLAY
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Thursday, 3rd February 2011
终有空出时间来更新了,因为是新年! 首先,要跟大家拜个年,新年快乐,万事如意! 好快哦,一年又过去了,嗨,老了。 今年有点特别,因为年初一,也就是二月三号,也是我的生日! 所以红包应该会那多一点吧? 呵呵~ 先说说新年的东西吧。 总觉得每年过年的团圆饭都是马马虎虎的,有人叫就去那里吃,没人叫就自己绝决。 好像流浪猫哦? 哎呀,没关系啦,习惯就好! 其实,还挺怀念以前读小学过年的时候,都超有气氛的。 现在,还好啦~ 其实,就连我自己也不知道今年的过年有没有变化,就拭目以待吧~ 最近看电视时,都会看到台湾那些跨年晚会的预告。 去年的我会非常期待,但今年的我却没什么好期待的。 我看见了:萧亚轩,罗志祥,梁文音,蔡依林,林宥嘉,杨丞琳,林俊杰,李玖哲,还有好多好多艺人,但是始终没有看到我心目中的SHERO, S.H.E。 心情难免会有点沮丧,但是只要我不断的告诉自己,“她们只是暂时休息,很快就会回来的,” 我的心情就好很多了。 希望她们今天能过个大肥年囖! 好,生日愿望。 其实今年的生日蛮特别的,因为... ... 我哪里都不能去! 所有的店都停止营业,你告诉我,我可以去哪里? [演唱田馥甄在音乐会唱的:【我要去哪里,我哪里都不能去】]。 那么,就来个生日愿望吧。 第一(很重要的):就是希望Selina能赶快好起来,再次站在属于她的舞台发光发热! 第二:希望能永远都不用搬家! 第三: 你们自己猜,*不能收的秘密* 还有,非常感谢NYP的朋友,你们送我的生日礼物和卡片都让我开心了起来,即使是那么一下下,还是感到很高兴~ 去年,生日没什么特别,因为还得工作,也没有和其他人庆祝。 可是,今年却收到那么多(其实也不多啦,才两样, ><)我好喜欢的礼物,我好开心。 尤其是那两张生日卡,令我好感动,只差没濆累而已。 真心的和你们说声谢谢。 感恩,再感恩! Finally had the time to update my blog, cause it's New Year, so must squeeze out some time.
Firstly, I would like to wish everyone who is reading my blog: "A Happy New Year!"
This year Chinese New Year is rather special to me because it falls
on 3rd of February, which is also my birthday!
So I guess I will receive more ang baos?

First up, New Year.
Always feels that the reunion dinner every year is so sloppish for us, when there are people inviting us, then we go over, when there aren't, then we just ea
t among ourselves.
Feels like a homeless cat.
But, it's okay once you get used to it!
Saying truthfully, I still missed those times when I'm in primary school, can really feel the CNY atmosphere.
As for now, hmmm..
Actually, I myself don't even know what will this year new year be like, shall wait and see.
Nowadays, I kept seeing those advertisements on Taiwa
n countdown party on TV.
Used to look forward to this type of countdown party last time, especially last year, but there's nothing to look forward to this year
Saw Elva Hsiao, Show Luo, Rachel Liang, Jolin Tsai, Yoga Lin, Rainie Ya
ng, JJ Lin, Nicky Lee and many more, but I don't see my SHERO, S.H.E~
If I say I don't feel a tinge of sadness, I'll be lying.
However, I keeps telling myself that they are only taking a break an
d will be back real soon.
It's weird, but I immediately feel better.
And so, I hope that they will have a good new year!
Happy Chinese New Year S.H.E!

Next, birthday wishes.
As I'd said, this year birthday is rather unique because... ... I can't go anywhere!
All the shops in the shopping mall are closed, so tell me, where can I go?
[Starts singing the song that Hebe sang during her showcase: 【
So, let's make some wishes!
Firstly (which is also the most important one!): I wish that Selina wi
ll have a speedy recovery and return to the stage that belongs to her once again!
Secondly: I wished that I won't have to move house.
Thirdly: Up to your own imagination, *secret*
Another thing is that I want to thank my NYP friends, for their presents and their cards.
They really make me happy, even if it's for a s
hort while.
Last year, due to work, I didn't get to celebrate my birthday, so it wa
s rather a pity.
But this year, I received so many presents (ok, it's only 2) which I r
eally like and I'm so HAPPY!
Really want to thank all of them from the bottom of my heart.

Special thanks to: Jaslyn, Sheryl, Gayle, Riyan & Lorenzo!
Special thanks to: Hui Jun, Rosabel, Pong, Ronnie, Wee Keng & Rachel! S.H.E SAYS: "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

S.H.E Rawks =) 11:18 PM


About Me

Habe_Choo Jiayi
3 February 1993
Nanyang Polytechnic after Dunman Secondary after East Spring Primary
1E'06 2D'07 3E'08 4E'09
Guitar Ensemble[chords]
People who are talented, humble and friendly!
People who're bias, who copies, who acts, backstabbers, arrogant
Actors/Actress:Jeanette Aw(S'pore),Rui En(S'pore),Elvin Ng(S'pore),Linda Chung(Hong Kong),Kate Tsui(Hong Kong),Fala Chen(Hong Kong) Singers:S.H.E,Elva Hsiao,Tank,Wang Lee Hom,Wang Fei,Tanya Chua,BoA,Avril Lavigne


-All my S.H.E stuffs(Albums, Dramas, DVDs, Posters, Magazines, Poker Cards & Jigsaw puzzle etc..)
-My iPhone4
-My Guitar
-My Laptop


Learning all their dance steps
Hoping to be able to play their songs using a piano

Follow HaBeChoo on Twitter


Avril Lavigne
Chen Pei
Hai Shan
Eelyn Kok 郭蕙雯
Ella 陈嘉桦
Hebe 田馥甄
Jeanette Aw 欧宣
Jia Hui 萧嘉惠
Jia Tsuey
Julie Tan 陈绍茵
Kia Hwee
Shi Yun
Shu Ting
Selina 任家萱
S.H.E Selina.Hebe.Ella
S.H.E OMY blog
Yann Ting
Yi Han

S.H.E_video[Wo Ai Ni and Tong Kuai Live 2004]
S.H.E_video[Wo Ai Ni Mv]
S.H.E_video[Superstar and Re Dai Yu Ling Live 2006]
S.H.E_video[Christmas Performance]

S.H.E_video[Super Model Performance]
S.H.E_video[Tian Hui Mv]
S.H.E_video[Bu Xiang Zhang Da Live 2006]
S.H.E_video[Autograph Session 2006]

S.H.E_video[Bu Xiang Zhang Da interview]
S.H.E_video[Wo Men Zen Me Le Mv]
S.H.E_video[Goodbye My Love Mv]
S.H.E_video[Zi Teng Hua Mv]
S.H.E_video[Hebe and Jay Mv]

S.H.E_video[A Ghost Incident]
S.H.E_video[S.H.E Ugly Sights]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session Tong Kuai 1/3 09/01/05]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session 2/3 09/01/05]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Encore' Autograph Session 3/3 09/01/05]

S.H.E_video[Dun Wanna Grow Up Autograph Session Bu Xiang Zhang Da 1/2 09/01/06]
S.H.E_video[Marina Square Dun Wanna Grow Up Autograph Session Tian Hui 2/2 09/01/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM Ring Ring Ring 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Chu Dian 1/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session 2/7 27/10/06]

S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le 3/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le cont'd 4/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session Wo Men Zen Me Le cont'd 5/7 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM Ring Ring Ring 3/4 27/10/06]
S.H.E_video[IMM 'Forever' Autograph Session 4/4 27/10/06]

S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 1/5]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 2/5]
S.H.E_video[6th Global Chinese Music Awards 28/10/2006 3/5]


my PLAYlist


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
September 2012


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