Just finished one of my favorite drama yesterday, 【溏心风暴之家好月圆】. Though it was my 2nd time watching it, but I had a total different feeling from the first time I watched it, maybe cause I was still young that time. Really enjoy watching this show this time round cause I watched it in Cantonese! Finally I understand what they are talking after watching so many Hong Kong dramas! A sense of achievement! Alrights, let me share with you some of my feelings while watching this show. I must say that some of the parts in the show really touched me alot, for example, the kinship between the siblings aka 家好月圆庆中秋 & also other family members, the love relationship between 管家仔 (Raymond Lam) & 于素秋 (Linda Chung), and the part where 于素秋 quarrel with her mother in the last episode. I feel that those parts where they showed their childhood times and those small little games that they played in 荷妈's house are very touching! Maybe it's because I've always long for that~ Whenever I see their childhood scenes, where they hanged around together during Mooncake Festival, I'll be reminded of my childhood times where I hanged around with my cousins when we were young during Chinese New Year playing our childhood games. It's as if I can feel their happiness.. But one thing that's different for sure is that they are lucky to have a father who really care about them and in the end came back to them. The reason as to why I find the part where 于素秋 quarreled with her mother rather touching is because she chose to stand alongside with 荷妈, who is not her biological mother instead of her biological mother! Having to lie to your own mother & quarreled with her in front of so many people which then finally brought her to justice, how many can do that? Those lines in which she was telling her mother were just so... ... I don't know which words to describe, it just made me watch till very 心酸,especially that line, "Nor mm hai bak qi ah mommy!" Wow, I personally feel that Linda Chung acted quite well in that scene! It's rather a pity that I couldn't find the video in youtube and share it with you all here, but it's halfway through episode 40! So yea, that's another touching part.
So now, let's come to the relationship between 管家仔 & 于素秋. The first part, watch from 1:32 onwards.
This part is also another 金典 part in the drama, cause I really envy the relationship between the both of them.. Though they always bicker with each other, but they still get along very well with each other! Haha, I find it very sweet though! andAND, Linda Chung looks very cute with the specs, like a 书呆子!^^ The 2nd part, watch from 8mins onwards.
And so, I find 管家仔 really thoughtful & caring in this part. Though he was the one who is unhappy & needed someone to accompany him, but in the end, it became the opposite! A guy who is willing to lend his time to a girl and accompanied her for 4 movies when he knows she needed someone there, so sweet! Omgosh, really makes me feels like having this kind of boyfriend! Hmm, I wonder if there is this kind of guy around in the world? Okay, I'm daydreaming again!
Next part! You can try watching from 9:25 onwards to have a better understanding!
So, that's all that I have to share with you for that show! Before I forget, I once came across a forum in which I saw people criticizing Linda cause she was crying in most parts of the show and that it was somehow annoying. But I don't think so at all, I think her acting was quite well done! After all, it isn't easy to film crying scenes cause after crying, you will feel extremely worn out, especially when you are wearing contact lens, cause the eyes will be super DUPER tired! Yea, so I personally feel that her performance for the show is not bad, though there are still room for improvements! andAND, I love her outfit in the show, omg, so cool, especially her boots! Made me wanna get one too! Hahaha! I love her hair color too, is it a bit red or is it cause of the reflection? I'm not sure, but I just love the color, but I promised myself that I will not dye my hair~~ Lastly, I feel that she really suit the hairstyle! Not many people suit this kind of hairstyle, but she really do! 溏心风暴之家好月圆 万岁!
Habe_Choo Jiayi
3 February 1993
Nanyang Polytechnic after Dunman Secondary after East Spring Primary
1E'06 2D'07 3E'08 4E'09
Guitar Ensemble[chords]
People who are talented, humble and friendly!
People who're bias, who copies, who acts, backstabbers, arrogant
Actors/Actress:Jeanette Aw(S'pore),Rui En(S'pore),Elvin Ng(S'pore),Linda Chung(Hong Kong),Kate Tsui(Hong Kong),Fala Chen(Hong Kong)
Singers:S.H.E,Elva Hsiao,Tank,Wang Lee Hom,Wang Fei,Tanya Chua,BoA,Avril Lavigne
-All my S.H.E stuffs(Albums, Dramas, DVDs, Posters, Magazines, Poker Cards & Jigsaw puzzle etc..)
-My iPhone4
-My Guitar
-My Laptop
Learning all their dance steps
Hoping to be able to play their songs using a piano